- "I came up with the riff the day that Troy Tate came up to Manchester to meet with us. It was almost because our first proper producer was about to arrive that I thought we needed a new song, maybe, and it was a sunny afternoon. We played it in the daytime, which was unusual because there were these machinists working downstairs on the floor below, and we wouldn't want to be working stuff out at high volume. There was no drums there, it was just me and Andy jamming like we used to when we were 14 or 15. I know a lot of fuss has been made and Andy is, quite rightly, proud of that bassline, but, personally, harmonically I don't think it comes anywhere near Andy's other stuff. 'Nowhere Fast', 'That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore', 'The Headmaster Ritual', all tower above it. It was one of those things where it was a good idea at the time, but later, as we played it, I didn't think it really represented the band. The overall thing, all of it, was a little bit corny."
"Barbarism Begins At Home is a bit naff. I don't like the tune - there's no emotion in it."
"With 'Barbarism Begins At Home,' a lot's been made of the funky aspect of the bassline, but that track harks back to what I was doing with Andy before The Smiths. I guess it came out of this love of retro kind of James Brown records, and things like Rip Rig & Panic and The Pop Group. That period of anemic, underfed white funk. It's me and Andy being townies in Manchester, liking a bit of the American No-Wave thing. James Chance, I guess."
-Johnny Marr
I have uploaded a Guitar Pro file here(right click to save).
Here are the scans from the Meat Is Murder songbook:

Thanks to Ted Maul for these scans.
Here's another great version by Daniel Earwicker:
Here's juttkeys:
Here's buckleyboyben:
Here's IFoughtTheLaw369 with two full-length versions on guitar and bass:
Here's sonofdrcross on bass:
Here's a full-length version from nicknoh69:
Awesome acoustic version by WilliamFs11:
Here's lunachangue with his Ric 330:
Here's barjabulon:
Here's davidguitarist91 on his Les Paul:
cYay! Probably one my favorites... and most definitely my favorite to play on guitar!
Hello :)
Tambien es mi song of guitar favorito. No hya TAB.....? :(
30tehearstill I don't find a good tablature....
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